Other Projects
Members of our lab often form collaborations with graduate students from other labs. These products have included metabarcoding the seedbank, monitoring chaparral health, and general cryptogamic botany.
Here are some examples of projects we were honored to be a part of:
- Miller-ter Kuile A, Apigo A, Young HS. 2021. Effects of consumer surface sterilization on diet DNA metabarcoding data of terrestrial invertebrates in natural environments and feeding trials. Ecology and Evolution 11:12025-12034.
- Schultheis LD, Oono R, D'Antonio CM. 2020. Mechanisms of severe dieback and mortality in a classically drought-tolerant shrubland species (Arctostaphylos glauca). American Journal of Botany. 107(8):1136-1147.
2018- 2021 Our lab worked with the Carla D'Antonio's VEG Lab, Max Moritz's Fire Lab, Aaron Ramirez's Translation Ecology Lab, Holly Moeller's Mixotroph Lab, and Nicole Molinari at USFS to explore innovative methods, including inoculating seedlings with endophytes, to improve restoration of Bigcone Douglas Fir, a California endemic impacted by wildfires. Bigcone Douglas fir (BCDF) or Pseudotsuga macrocarpa is an endemic conifer in southern California with a small species range that is threatened by high-intensity wildfires. An intervention to help restore Bigcone Douglas-fir may be necessary given recent mortality rates.
- Runte, G.C., Oono, R., Molinari, N.A., Proulx, S.R., D'Antonio, C.M. 2022. Restoring bigcone Douglas-fir post-fire in drought-stricken Southern California: Assessing the effects of site choice and outplanting strategies. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. 5:995487.