Summer Awards and Fundings and Meetings
It's a little nice when you find yourself falling behind on announcing student accomplishments! We are incredibly thankful for the Sonoma County Mushroom Association (SOMA) for continued support of our CA graduate students studying mycology. Mari and Austen both won scholarships this year and I forgot to mention last year when Gabe also got funding from them. So, belated and new thank you's to SOMA! and congrats to the students! We are also grateful for support from our own EEMB department who gave Gabe and Austen full summer stipend block grants. It is so wonderful to be part of a department who carefully considers how to best spread limited resources among our students. Lastly, congrats to all who have prepared or are daring to prepare pre-recorded talks for the summer conference season. We already had Austen and Mari present at the recent BSA/MSA conference. Although virtual, I found myself just as nervous as in-person ones! We will be presenting more for ESA in August. Lastly, I want to thank all the organizers of these conferences for preparing the new platforms where students can share their stories. Thank you everyone for working so hard this year!!!